1. W3Schools
W3Schools offers a rich resource to learn and practice both HTML and CSS. This website understands the principle of practice makes perfect because at the end of every topic, there is a ‘try it yourself’ link that takes you to an online coding platform and you have the chance to try out what you have learned. This is good for reinforcement.
2. Codecademy
Codecademy is a website that offers a wide variety of web development tutorials in an environment that promotes interactive learning. It has tutorials for more programming language than for tizag. The unique thing about codecademy is that your learning experience will be similar to that of an actual university, only that you can decide the timing and location of your lessons. During your learning process, you will get projects so as to help you practice the new skills you have acquired.
4. A List Apart
A list apart is another rich source for web design tutorials which will help you get to the top of your game. Its guides are aimed at making someone a better web designer and focus mainly on web standards.
5. Designing within Web Standards
This a book which is freely available on the internet. It is written by the ‘God Father’ of web standards and it will give you a great insight into how to create web applications that are in line with the main website standards.
6. CSS Zen Garden
CSS Zen Garden provides an amazing and also fun platform to learn website design by just using CSS. They provide web design tutorials that teach you a wide variety of possibilities that you can achieve using CSS.
7. W3C Validator
This is a great online tool which helps you to check whether your website design has complied with the professional programming standards. This tool examines your HTML and CSS to determine if your programming has valid code by checking it against W3C open standards in order to pinpoint which parts of your code need amending.
8. GitHub for Beginners
Github provides a platform for web designers and developers to collaborate in undertaking software development projects. Using Github, you will be able to learn the ins and outs of the trade and help you master the fundamentals of website design.
9. 30 Days to learn jQuery
jQuery is a programming language which enable you to create out of the box effects in your website. This is a client-side programming language and this means the page does not have to reload in order for the action to be executed. 30 days to learn jQuery provides the necessary tools and tutorials to enable you become a guru in jQuery.
10. Coding Pitfalls for Beginners
This tutorial gives you an insight on the commonly made mistakes that are made by programmers who are still learning. This tutorial will help you avoid these mistakes and greatly reduce debugging time. Its main focus is in the Ruby, JavaScript and PHP programming languages.
11. PHP 101 for the Absolute Beginner
PHP is the server-side programming language used in creating highly dynamic websites. A majority of websites are coded using this language. This tutorial will help you understand this coding language and give you a chance in creating dynamic and even database driven websites.
12. Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Ruby on rails is based on the Ruby language and it is one of the most popular web development frameworks. Ruby on rails can also be used to create powerful and dynamic web applications and this tutorial will give you the knowledge you need to master this programming language.
13. I Love Typography
This is a website that provides web development tutorials and is mainly focussed on the typography aspect of website design. Typography in website design refers to the art of arranging your website into a pleasing and appropriate layout. On top of these tutorials, they also offer freebies which you can download and include in your designs.
14. Tutsplus
The good guys at tutsplus offer website design and web development tutorials on their website. They are free to use as you are on course to becoming a professional designer.
15. Mozilla Development Network
The Mozilla development network is from the team behind the Firefox web browser. They have web development tutorials classified from beginner to advanced level web programmer and they are mainly focussed on HTML, CSS and javascript.